June 17, 2022

Summer/Winter Switch

As summer becomes a distant memory, and we can make our way into the colder months, it doesn’t mean it’s time to switch off your ceiling fan. In fact, your ceiling fan can actually help save you money on energy costs and keep you warm and comfortable all season long! 

Using Your Ceiling Fan in Reverse

We all know that warm air rises and in winter it can sometimes feel like all that warm cosy air is stuck near your roof! Ceiling fan manufacturers have included a nifty feature in most modern Ceiling Fans to help draw the warmer air down in the winter months! Most ceiling fans come with a summer/winter switch on the hub of the ceiling fan which allows you to change the direction of your ceiling fan. When you put your fan into reverse, it will draw cooler air upward, causing the warmer air near the ceiling to circulate back down into the lower half of the room. This will prevent the warm air from collecting up near the ceiling, which can leave the people in the room surrounded by cool air, especially if they’re sitting or laying down. A ceiling fan on a winter setting will help to evenly heat the space, and that will allow you to set your thermostat a bit lower, saving you money on your heating bill!

Keep Your House Ventilated

Having a fan on in your home will help keep the air circulating. This is essential during the winter months when your windows are closed tight. The fan will keep the air fresh, something we definitely need when we can’t be outside as much as we’d like and it’s too cold to keep the windows open.

Many of the fans we sell at Ceiling Fans Direct have a summer and winter mode, making them easy for you to operate in any season. Our fans are extremely quiet, as well. With the windows closed, you will hear very little outside noise, and you will hear very little noise from our fans. Our fans are also environmentally friendly, cheap to run, and rarely require maintenance, so you can run them with confidence all year long.

Do you need a new fan to keep you warmer in winter and cooler in summer? Take a look at our website – we have fans in styles to suit almost any taste, and we ship Australia-wide.

Remember, now that it's getting colder here, simply run your fan in a clockwise direction on a low setting. You’ll see and feel the benefits in comfort, air quality and on your heating bill!